Spreading the Holiday Cheer!

Written by virgobc on January 26, 2016 in Blog

Submitted by Jessica Tavarez, Center Manager at Chanin Location

As a dedicated company, Virgo Business Center puts together each year, an annual holiday party for our clients. The goal here at Virgo Business Centers is to express how much Virgo appreciates each and every one of our clients, as well as our staff. I have been an employee with Virgo for two years, with eparties. Our holiday event helps our current tenants, new tenants and staff interact with one another. They listen to good music and enjoy great food. With each client’s work schedule being so different, it’s great to have a day in which everyone can come out and celebrate together. The holiday spirit is always in attendance around this time of the year. I look forward to celebrating the next holiday party, with all of the wonderful people here at Virgo Business Centers.

Chanin Holiday Picture